Course Description
This hands-on course familiarizes learners with GEM One, a remote management software used to centrally manage networked End Cryptographic Units (ECU), such as KG-175 TACLANEs and vIPers. The combination of guided exercises and performance-oriented labs gives learners practical experience that can be used on the job. In addition, this course provides guidance on how to transition from the recently discontinued GEM X to GEM One.
Course Objectives
The objectives of this course are to ensure that upon successful completion, the participant will be able to effectively use the GEM One management software to centrally manage networked End Cryptographic Units (ECU) E.g., KG-175 TACLANEs and vIPers.
1 day
Target Audience
Network administrators, technical authorities, Communications Security (COMSEC) custodians, local element managers, designated COMSEC authorities and contractors who maintain, handle, distribute or use TACLANE products.
It is recommended that you complete the online course COM113S - Introduction to In-line Network Encryptors (previously course 780) and course COM205C - TACLANE In-Line Network Encryptor (previously course 281) prior to attending this course