Cyber Security Event Management Courses (EVT)

Course Description

The Government of Canada Cyber Security Event Management Plan (GC CSEMP) instructor-led training provides participants with the foundational knowledge and guidelines to manage cyber security events that impact the GC through preparation, detection and assessment, mitigation and recovery, and post-event activities. Participants will develop incident response processes and requirements, recognize and identify predominant threats to GC systems, learn to apply protective and preventative measures, and detect, validate, and conduct initial mitigation measures in accordance with GC policies and practices.

Course Objectives

  • Prepare for incident response activities
  • Articulate the roles of the GC CSEMP stakeholders and departments, in response to a cyber security threat or event
  • Manage the approach to identify and detect security incidents
  • Respond to cyber security events
  • Summarize post event activities
  • Report and communicate event information according to the GC CSEMP




2 days

Target Audience

Any person involved in or supporting cyber security event management and incident handling activities.


ITS101S – Introduction to IT Security Management (previously course 601)

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